Week 52 – leftovers, leftovers and more leftovers

I love Christmas but I am not a massive fan of leftovers, as I don’t enjoy eating the same thing over and  over again. However, it is impossible for me (regardless of Christmas) to under-cater, so I always end up with leftovers. As I hate wasting food, I have to eat everything, but it often means […]

Meal planning Monday – 17 March 2014

Last week was, quite frankly, a horror. I started with a long three days in Paris: as always it was a pleasure to spend time with colleagues and friends out there, but it was also exhausting, and I picked up a bug before I left. Being so tired when I returned to London, of course […]

Meal planning Monday – 17 February 2014

Just came across this meal planning Monday blog with Mrs M and it appealed to my list-making nature. Of course, I have been known to plan meals for an entire month (oh, the joy of all those lovely lists), but I’ll restrict myself to just one week here. I am still feeling the need for […]