We started weaning a few weeks ago on the advice of a paediatrician, and Ioan has taken to solids like only the son of a greedy mum could. There hasn’t been a single item he hasn’t liked, but so far he has loved courgette, spinach and parsnip. I can barely scoop up the next spoonful before his mouth is open like a little baby bird.
At the start of this process, I introduced a new food every couple of days, to check for any adverse reactions. This week I will be filling our freezer with cubes of various purees so that I can start to mix different concoctions for Ioan, in preparation for introducing proper meals when he turns six months old (where has the time gone?!) at the end of the month. Ideally he’ll be eating the same food as us as soon as possible, and our meal plan will reflect that.
In between steaming, blending and freezing veg we’ll be spending some time celebrating our 21 year anniversary. Assuming that will mean at least one meal out, I haven’t formed a full menu plan for this week, but we’ll be having some or all of the following:
- Aubergine bake for meat free Monday
- Lamb kebabs with homemade hummus which was bumped from last week
- Goan prawn curry for my Cookbook Challenge
- Corn chowder
- Pork and pearl barley stew
Do you have anything nice planned for the coming week?