I may have mentioned before (once or twice) that I am quite a fan of chocolate. I really like Hotel Chocolat (and think that because it is quite expensive I won’t inhale it so quickly as ‘normal’ chocolate, although that doesn’t always work) but I also love the usual brands you can find in the […]
icing sugar
- Baking
- ...
Mr Whippy cupcakes
Last week was my first week since starting this blog without a weekly posting. You probably didn’t notice, or if you did you may well have been relieved to have had a break from my ramblings. It was the result of a cat crisis, where our 12 year old kitty Henry took a bad turn […]
A thousand leaves, and a thousand calories
We had some friends over for Sunday lunch at the weekend, and it didn’t take me long to decide that I was going to cook roast beef and all the trimmings. Pudding was a bit harder to decide on, as I didn’t want anything too heavy. I asked people on my Facebook page but they […]
You can’t beat a homemade custard cream
A couple of years ago, I had a bright idea to liven up everyone’s Fridays at work with “elevenses” – each team member would take turns to bake or buy a little treat for everyone else to have at 11am every Friday. I thought it would be a good chance to take 20 minutes out […]
Creme egg cheesecake
I can’t remember where I first saw the phenomenon that is creme egg cheesecake, but as soon as I did I knew I had to make it. I googled various recipes which are available online, and ended up using a few tips from each one I found to make the following recipe. I didn’t think […]