Now that I have been writing this blog for a while, I have started to get approached by brands to work with them to promote their products.
When it first happened, I felt pretty damn excited as I actually felt like a proper blogger. Someone asked me to review their book, which I was glad to do (especially as it was good). The prospect a freebie (or – even better – cold hard cash) was very exciting, and for my very first ever sponsored post I actually received both: coffee pods and a few quid to write a review.
I am personally not a fan of reading blogs which are full of sponsored posts as I don’t always trust the content, so I didn’t want It’s not easy being greedy to be like that. And whilst I desperately wanted to accept every single freebie on offer (a trait inherited from my mum), some of them weren’t exactly relevant for this site, and so I had to pass up on them (it actually pained me to do it, but these brands do expect people to write about their products if they share opportunities, and I couldn’t figure out how to shoehorn film reviews and overviews of day-trips to theme parks into a food blog!).
These potential opportunities got me thinking about the kind of brands, products, books and other websites I love, and why I love them. I genuinely care about where my ingredients comes from, and I take great pleasure in sourcing good products and sharing that information with people. I can get quite evangelical when describing good food, recipes, companies, service, restaurants and nice folks, so It’s not easy being greedy seems like a great place for me to share my discoveries.
So I decided it would be nice to showcase some of my favourite things on It’s not easy being greedy, and explain why I love them.
None of the content in this section is sponsored by a brand or company – I just write about it because I genuinely think it’s great (you can find out more about my sponsored post policy on my disclaimer). I’ll add new posts as and when I come across things I want to share with you (I already have quite a list in mind!) – and if you think you know something I’ll like, let me know in the comments section.
Can you guess what my first ‘Why I love …’ will be? There’s a hint in the picture …
Looks scrummy and I must agree that the ones you buy even look good in their box!
Tracys mum
You need to start buying them mum!
I agree. I’ve noticed on at least 2 local blogs I read regularly that they are constantly gushing about every single new business that comes their way. It makes me suspicious, especially when I’ve been to some of these places and don’t feel the same. While I wouldn’t like to write a bad review about a business that has invited me to review them, I wouldn’t gush over everything. Integrity is at stake!
Yes, I agree with you: I think it’s a fine line about reviewing things when you have been invited. But to be honest I would never trash a product or restaurant even if I’d had no contact with the company or brand – there’s always a diplomatic way to say what you think. You are absolutely right that integrity is the most important thing! I can imagine in NZ you must have the opportunity to try some great locally produced stuff, and it’s lovely to be able to support companies when you think they are genuinely good and want to spread the word. Thanks for taking the time to comment 🙂
It is very refreshing to read this! I get fed up of reading blogs that just seem like big adverts these days (even though I used to love their content), though I get more annoyed when it isn’t disclosed properly.
Very exciting to see that you’ve moved to self-hosted!
Thanks for that feedback – glad to hear others feel the same. I hate it when people do tiny little disclaimers at the bottom that it’s sponsored – admit it right at the top if you are going to do it! If you decide to move to self-hosted let me know and I can send you some useful wp links – really glad to go to self hosted and it was easy and took me an afternoon 🙂
Oh and really enjoying your 30 day challenge by the way – very inspiring – don’t think I could do it but the positives you are noticing are making me think about it …
Thanks! I would definite recommend it!
Thank you for the offer of the info too – much appreciated! I have been thinking of going self-hosted for a while but it looks quite daunting. I might treat myself in the winter or forvthe blog’s 2nd birthday. I will give you a shout though!