Meal planning Monday – 3 March 2014

ImageIt’s that time of week again for meal planning Monday, and this week is quite an easy one for me because Pancake Day falls on Tuesday. Whoopee! Pancakes are one of my favourite things to eat, and this year I am planning a ham and cheese concoction for my savoury buckwheat galette, and then the traditional lemon and sugar crunchiness for my sweet pancake option.

I have cheated this year and bought buckwheat galettes from Waitrose, but I will make the proper sweet pancakes myself as usual – as there’s something traditional about mucking up the first one and having to chuck it away. Why is it that the first one ALWAYS goes wrong? Pancake law I suppose.

My savoury galette will have grated gruyere cheese, ham, black pepper, and maybe even an egg cracked onto it if I am brave enough. For the sweet ones, I sprinkle them with granulated sugar first, squeeze a liberal amount of jif lemon on top (none of that real lemon nonsense for me – this is a reminder of my childhood!) and then roll them up and eat with a fork. I always imagine I will have them with nutella, or maple syrup and greek yoghurt, but when it comes down to it, lemon and sugar always win through!

I am out this week on Friday (Hawksmoor – finally – I can’t wait!) and Sunday (to watch England v Wales at the pub which various friends). For lunches this week I have made roasted tomato soup, and for breakfasts I will be having my usual porridge with grated apple and cinnamon. So here is the meal plan in full:

  • Monday – sea bass fillets roasted in the oven with vegetables
  • Tuesday – PANCAKES
  • Wednesday – chicken stirfry
  • Thursday – chorizo carbonara
  • Friday – Hawksmoor
  • Saturday – Morteau sausage with puy lentils
  • Sunday – Pub lunch!

What pancakes will you be having tomorrow night?

You can find out more about meal planningΒ At Home with Mrs M.

8 Replies to “Meal planning Monday – 3 March 2014”

  1. I love lemon and sugar on mine too – the kids always have golden syrup or nutella but I prefer my childhood pancakes!
    Happy Belated St David’s day and a big Oggie Oggie Oggie for Wales to win on Sunday


    1. Thanks! Enjoy your pancakes too, and yes – fingers crossed for Sunday or my boyfriend will not be a happy bunny πŸ™‚

  2. Ooooo, you’re off to Hawksmoor? Which one? Ive only been to the Seven Dials one…youre in for a treat πŸ™‚


    1. I am so excited, having never been before (to be honest the price has put me off a bit!). We’re going to the Air Street branch and I want a big fat juicy, bloody steak (obviously) with bearnaise sauce. Any other tips for starters / sides (when I go for it, I go for it!).

  3. We’ve had pancakes for breakfast already with chocolate spread on….Will be having them for tea too….hehehe

    1. JEALOUS! I saw a lovely recipe last night for potato pancakes with smoked salmon and scrambled eggs which I would have loved this morning, but sadly no time for more than microwaved porridge! Enjoy your pancake fest, and let me know if you have any special recipes to share πŸ™‚

  4. Am I on my own here? – I don’t recall ever messing up a first pancake! Maybe the 12th when all the flipping has taken its toll on my wrists, but never the first! lol πŸ™‚

    1. Thanks for your comment! Do you know what, last night my pancakes were all perfect – well, maybe the first was a bit thick, but there’s nothing wrong with that either (in my view!). I think it’s because I only make them once a year, so I overdo it a bit with the mixture, or the pan is too cold / hot etc. But I am a bit of a fraud – I am too scared to flip them! Hope you enjoyed yours last night.

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