If I am ever presented with a cake menu (sadly, not often enough) then I suspect that hell is more likely to freeze over than I am to choose a fruit cake from the menu: generally I feel that fruit wasting the space that could be used by delicious cake, or cream, or jam, or […]
christmas cake
That will do ice-ly – stir it up Sunday part 2 – how I iced my Christmas cake
I wasn’t intending to do a post about the icing of my Christmas cake … it’s not the most thrilling subject (well, not when I have my new pasta attachment for my KitchenAid to blog about) but I so love the picture I took of my mum when we iced the cake that I decided […]
It’s starting to look a lot like Christmas …
… In my house anyway, as I have been baking my Christmas cake and making edible goodies for gifts. Firstly, Delia’s Christmas cake, which was recommended to me by several people. I am not a fan of Delia since her cheat cooking show which was a travesty, nor do I have any of her books, […]