Good news and bad news from last week. The good news was that Team AXA won the Macmillan Cancer Support House of Lords v Commons tug of war. It was a lot harder than I had anticipated but the adrenaline rush was fantastic when we won (either that or the effect of the champagne – not sure) and we’ve all agreed to do it again next year! The boy’s team also won, retaining their title from last year, so we all felt pretty awesome … and of course it was great to contribute to something which raised so much money for such a worthy cause.
The bad news is that my bathroom is STILL NOT FINISHED! I am seriously fed up of it all now and am bored of going to the gym every morning to shower (because obviously I don’t bother doing a class first, which means I can’t fit into half of my summer clothes either). I spent all of Sunday cleaning, even though I know there’s no point as when the builders come back today they’ll make everything filthy again, but I literally could not bear to see everywhere coated in a thick layer of dust. So at least at the moment while I sit on the sofa everything looks nice if I angle my eyes towards the TV. If I look in the other direction then I can see a dishwasher, a bath and a radiator … usually with at least one cat using them as their feline adventure playground.
Anyway, onto the food for the week. Well, I am out tomorrow at a Guardian Masterclass about How to use Twitter effectively. It’s with the comedian David Schneider (he refused to smell Alan Partridge’s cheese!), so I am really looking forward to that. On Wednesday my mum is coming over for dinner, so I’m planning to make a lovely orzo pasta dish which I had recently at the house of Charlotte from Alphabet Adventures. Her mum Jill made it for me and kindly shared the recipe, so I am making it for my mum and will post the recipe for you in the coming weeks.
On Friday our French friends Rachel and Alex are visiting London (or “the froggies are coming to London” as they described it!), and so we’re hoping to have dinner with them on Friday night. For the rest of the weekend, I am not sure – it is my birthday next Sunday and so if the weather is nice it would be great if we could go out for the day and have a lovely Sunday lunch somewhere. Saturday is Global Gin Day, and so I feel it is highly likely I’ll be celebrating that and my birthday with a G&T or three …
So, here’s the rough plan, plus I am going to make a kind of bircher muesli for breakfasts this week (with added chia seeds which everyone seems to be raving about, but no fruit juice or dried fruit as still trying to cut down on sugar – which I would have achieved had that leftover Easter egg not found me …) and salads for packed lunch (must slim down and be able to fit back into my capri pants!):
- Monday – nothing as I’ll be at the Masterclass, although they lay on wine and nibbles so I’ll probably end of scoffing some of that!
- Tuesday – I have defrosted pork shoulder so planning to make a stirfry of some kind with that, although it is quite a large packet so I’ll need to think of something to do with the leftovers for Thursday!
- Wednesday – chicken and asparagus orzo pasta from Jill Green.
- Thursday – leftover pork – perhaps some kind of peppers and paprika stew with onions, tomatoes and new potatoes.
- Friday – dinner with the froggies.
- Saturday – gin!
- Sunday – birthday celebrations to be confirmed.
That’s it from me – head over to Mrs M’s to see what other bloggers are planning for this week – At Home with Mrs M.

Congratulations to your team for winning the tug of war…. and hope the bathroom is nearly finished…. my worst nightmare!! With the left over pork shoulder, have you ever tried pulled pork?? We love it in this house! 🙂
Thanks – sorry it took me so long to reply. I haven’t tried pulled pork but I’d love to try your recipe if you want to share it? And the bathroom is finally finished – woo hoo!