For the second week running my newborn son (well, he’s over a month old now – where has that time gone?!) has allowed me to 1) watch the Bake Off, 2) bake my week’s challenge, and 3) blog about the challenge. Now if only he’d allow me to have more than a 3 hour stretch […]
chocolate spread
GBBO week 6 – frangipane: Chocolate Crunchie Frangipane Tart
Frangipane, frangipane, frangipane. How I want to like you, but I just don’t. The combination of sweetened ground almonds reminds me too much of the detestable marzipan. But as the GBBO alternative challenges this week were a complicated and difficult looking pudding, and a selection of vol-au-vents which I love but my tummy doesn’t need […]
Week 33 – homemade pasta and chocolate spread tasting
We’ve had a busy week working on our kitchen project this week: what that means is I have been picking out my dream kitchen and appliances, and Andrew has continually reminded me of our limited budget. As I keep telling him, if he thinks I cook well now, imagine how amazing our dinners will be when […]
Week 26 – looking forward to the calm before the 40th birthday storm
My birthday celebrations have been brilliant, but carried on longer than expected. This week we have a brief break from birthdays before starting the celebrations for Andrew’s 40th, which will include a birthday party and trip to Rome (mmmm, pasta and tirumisu). I am very much looking forward to a rest as we’ve both felt like […]