In the last month, I have learned that I have more capacity then I ever realised to adjust to a lack of sleep. When Ioan was a newborn, the shock to my system was huge, and lack of sleep was only one contributing factor. Six months down the line, sleep regression, teething, stomach bugs and […]
Thoughts on being a (greedy) mum – month 1
Before I had my baby, people would say to me that when I am a mum I won’t understand where the time goes; I won’t have time to even drink a still-warm cup of tea; I won’t care about work any more, etc. Honestly, I could not believe that my life would change so much […]
Happy Mother’s Day from ‘It’s not easy being greedy’!
Regular followers of It’s not easy being greedy will have seen that my dear mother features quite regularly on these pages. It’s from her that I learnt to cook (and learned not to burn things as regularly as her!) and I think it’s fair to say that I inherited my greediness from her too. We […]