If there are ever scallops on the menu at a restaurant, I will often choose them. Andrew will always choose them. But they are frequently disappointing: they are too small, or too thinly sliced to make a little go a long way (I am looking at you, Jamie Oliver). Well, thanks to my wonderful fishmonger […]
Cookbook Challenge – Gary Rhodes: goats cheese and tomato salad, cod with bacon and carrots, rhubarb tart
Gary Rhodes is one of those TV chefs who was always on the telly when I was growing up, with his spiky hedgehog hair and checkered trousers. Despite his (for the time) slightly unorthodox appearance, his cooking and presentation could not have been more traditional. Classic dishes, cooked traditionally, presented in a refined and simple […]
Meal planning Monday – 24 February 2014
What I discovered after doing my first ‘meal planning Monday’ post last week is that I am very good at planning my meals, but not always so good at sticking to them. That’s because life seems to conspire against me and I end up having to re-jig my plans – that’s life though I guess. […]
A fishy feast
I love having friends for dinner. Some people hate the idea of spending the day cooking, but I really enjoy pottering in the kitchen, making (hopefully) tasty things for people to eat. I also like planning the menu in advance – poring over my cookery books, choosing different starters, main courses and puddings which will […]
What happens when you leave the freezer door open all day
Yep, you can probably guess what happens when you do something as thick as that … especially when you do something like that on the hottest day of the year so far (okay, I appreciate that doesn’t normally mean much here in the UK but it was pushing 30 degrees last week so it was […]