A few weeks ago Scan meatballs sent me some Swedish meatballs and recipe ideas. The recipes were for summery, light recipes to celebrate Swedish midsummer, but when I told Andrew about them he demanded that I try to recreate his favourite IKEA meatballs. I bribe him to take me to IKEA by saying that we’ll […]
D is for Denmark – Nordic bar
I am slightly in love with all things Nordic – people from that region have beautiful accents, generally are beautiful (who wouldn’t love to be tall and blonde?), and seem to be genuinely nice people. Of course there are always exceptions, but I am yet to find any which have made me love the Nordics […]
Must try harder
Okay, I confess, I practically ate my own body weight in chocolate this week (and that’s a lot). I rediscovered the tasty Club biscuit – the orange version was on special offer at the local Tesco metro (was looking for a pumpkin) and man they are more-ish. I ate the whole pack in 3 sittings […]