This South East Asian inspired tofu noodle salad is a great meal-prep packed lunch: full of silky noodles, crunchy vegetables, chewy tofu and a zing from the lime juice and coriander.
I am not generally a fan of tofu: mainly because it doesn’t taste of anything and the texture is a bit weird – it doesn’t really have a texture! However, fried or baked tofu takes on a whole new dimension: you get substance and flavour with the simple application of heat (and a bit of oil).
I will warn you, I haven’t cracked the no-mess, baked tofu option. My baking tray didn’t want to let go of it’s new baked tofu pal, and so I had to do a lot of scraping and un-sticking (not bad because you get some delicious crunchy bits to top your salad) and soaking in soapy liquid. So frying could be a better option, but baked does seem a teeny bit healthier.
Although I am going to give you my recipe, below, you could really use any ingredients you fancy. Tofu could of course be replaced by chicken. Cucumber and radish by peppers. Rice noodles by egg noodles.
However, some things I think are non-negotiable: coriander, mint, peanuts, spring onions, beansprouts and lime juice. These ingredients remind me of Vietnamese and Thai salads, hence why.I say this is inspired by South East Asia.
My recipe makes enough for two portions: I made it on Sunday for packed lunch on Monday and Tuesday. The only thing I added ‘fresh’ was sweet chilli sauce, soy sauce (check for a Gluten Free one if you need to) and lime juice.
This South East Asian inspired baked tofu noodle salad is a great meal-prep packed lunch - crunchy, chewy, herby and delicious Click To TweetSouth East Asian inspired tofu noodle salad – serves 2
- 280g block of tofu, cornflour, vegetable oil, 1 packet of rice noodles (275g), 200g beansprouts, 1 large carrot, 1/3 cucumber, 10 radishes, 100g natural roasted peanuts (unsalted), 3 spring onions, bunch coriander, bunch mint, 1 lime
Firstly you need to bake your tofu: I used some Tofoo co naked organic extra firm tofu, which does not require pressing. I cubed it into bite-sized pieces and coated it in cornflour, before tossing in oil and baking for 20 minutes in a hot oven (200 degrees). As I mentioned before, it stuck so badly, that frying the cornflour-dusted tofu in a non-stick pan could be a better option. Whatever you decide to do, drain the baked tofu on some kitchen paper and allow to cool while you make the salad.
And how simple could this be? Split the noodles into two portions and mix with beansprouts, grated carrot, thinly sliced cucumber, grated radish, sliced sprint onions, chopped peanuts, and plenty of chopped coriander and mint.
Place the cubes of baked tofu on top and squeeze fresh lime on top. Before serving add some sweet chilli sauce and soy sauce (Gluten Free if required).
At the office, everyone who saw me eating this salad said it looked amazing. It tasted amazing too!