Vietnamese caramel pork with quick-pickled vegetables as an accompaniment – here’s my latest recipe for you to try. I love, love, love Vietnamese food. It’s fresh, healthy, tasty and quick and easy to make. Plus if you live in London like I do, there are plenty of Vietnamese restaurants where you can go to enjoy […]
New year easy eats with Froothie (review)
I have a confession to make, and I am not very proud of it. Almost a year ago, Froothie sent me a couple of kitchen gadgets to play with and review. Now, when companies send bloggers gadgets, or food, a blogger is under no obligation to write about the product. However, what the company hopes […]
Weeks 24 & 25 – birthday binging in style
My few regular fans (hi Mum!) may have noticed that I missed last week’s meal plan. This is because I was in no position to type: I was either eating, in a stupor recovering from eating, or listening to live music (whilst eating). Annoyingly I also had to fit in the usual work-related tasks which […]
Seoul, I hear you calling
I always thought the Erasure song was written about the city in Korea … apparently not. It’s what I always think of when I hear the song or think of Korea anyway, despite never having been to Korea and to be honest not really knowing where it is on a map, as I am utterly […]
What happens when you leave the freezer door open all day
Yep, you can probably guess what happens when you do something as thick as that … especially when you do something like that on the hottest day of the year so far (okay, I appreciate that doesn’t normally mean much here in the UK but it was pushing 30 degrees last week so it was […]