Well, it is another year and a new start for me, like so many others. Whilst I was miserable at being sick all over Christmas, it did have a benefit of allowing me to lose 3.5lbs, unheard of around Christmas! That’s not as impressive as it sounds, because I did stuff my face for the majority of November / December and also stopped going to the gym regularly due to back problems, but I thought I would take the opportunity to capitalise on the weight loss I have already had and try and lose some additional weight in the new year. I have always wanted to lose just under 1 stone to get me to my original weightwatchers goal (I never managed it!), and so this might be my chance. However, I do realise I am amongst thousands (if not millions) of people who are also making that same pledge … the majority of whom will fail of course. Well, I’ll see. Ideally I would lose the stubborn few pounds and then get back to eating healthily and my 80/20 rule.
So how will that work? Well, I have dusted off my old weightwatchers books and am following “vintage points” which is how I originally lost my weight (and then followed the overall principles to maintain a few pounds off goal). I am fortunate to belong to a very supportive Facebook group to try and keep on track, so I won’t be going to classes or pay money for the online option (it’s not worth it as I won’t be following their propoints plan).
Having turned 36 since I last pointed, I was disappointed to see I am only on 19 points per day this time around. Next week will be easier for me because I will be back at work, but this week is going to be a challenge … still plenty of treats in the house and I hate waste so I want to eat them all! I never even finished my Hotel Chocolat advent calendar and those little cuties are singing out to me all day …
Anyway, yesterday, 1 January, was as good a day as any to start, and I ended up eating 14.5 points over the day. I know you are supposed to eat all your points, and normally I would, but as my stomach is not 100% back to normal I didn’t see the point in forcing myself to eat them. I also planned my meals for the next week and a bit, as I always found I was most successful by being a bit obsessive, and I am a bit OCD anyway so love planning meals (it appeals to my greedy nature).
Tonight I am going to try sous vide salmon – 50 minutes at 140 degrees – plus some new potatoes and veg. My mum is visiting tomorrow and so I will do one of my old Weightwatchers favourites – prawns sauteed in some garlic, chilli and olive oil and mixed with chopped fresh tomatoes, stirred into some pasta. It is a very low points meal (around 6vps for a decent portion) and is super tasty so it is a good choice for watching weight. Depending on what I have for breakfast and lunch, I might be able to accommodate a piece or two of crusty bread to mop up the sauce. I haven’t decided on any pudding yet – I will need to consult my old recipe plans for some ideas.
On Friday I have planned a cottage pie, and then I will be making sous vide steak with salad on Saturday. On Sunday we’re visiting a friend for Sunday lunch so I will need to save my allocation for that by eating low or zero points food for breakfast. Monday is back at work and I will be planning porridge, apple and cinnamon for breakfast each day, veg soup for lunch and then normal but healthy dinners (chicken stirfry on Monday and lamb casserole on Tuesday to start).
It’s not going to be easy, but I do feel very motivated to stick to the plan and lose those pesky pounds. Regarding my back, I had an MRI scan today and expect the results on Tuesday, so I hope to finally find out what is wrong and get back to the gym next week.
Good luck to anyone who is doing the same. I am looking forward to continuing to eat well, but a little more wisely than I did during December!